Sunday, February 24, 2008

Birthday Gift Baskets

Birthday Gift Baskets are great gifts for your loved ones. This happy birthday gift basket that we have created is absolutely filled with a ton of candy and treats that everyone loves. There is such a variety in this unique gift basket that it will please a person with any palette. We can customize gift baskets for you also. If your loved one loves crunch bars, we can make sure that we add a bunch of their favorite candy bars to this treat. You don't have to call and make special requests to personalize this gift. We know calling can be a hassle and sometimes impossible. If you order this special gift, just make a few requests in the comments box during your order. You can say:
"Yes, I ordered one of your birthday gift baskets and I would like to add a bottle of coca cola and see if there is anyway you can add more Butterfingers bars, Kit Kat's, and skittles, but DO NOT add m&ms, Starburst or Cheetos. "
All we will do is use your specifications and take out items you don't want and add items you do. As long as the items you request are available to us, we will do it! The basket will be the same size, just customized for your recipient's taste buds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for sharing best info all about gift baskets. i think really fantastic idea. nice blog. keep it up!!!!

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