Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Corporate Gift Giving

Giving gifts is a vital part of any business. Taking the time to give gifts to your customers, employees, and colleagues is a great way to not only show your appreciation, but also create a closer relationship. It is a well known fact that when someone receives a gift they feel obligated to reciprocate in some way. Employees feel more appreciated and in turn they work harder to please you. Colleagues that have connections will feel closer to you and in turn they may be able to help you further your business in some way or another. Clients especially feel very obligated to reciprocate. Clients chose you to do business with and can easily find another company to do business with because everyone is looking for new business. A great way to keep your clients happy is to give them a gift to show them that they matter to you. Thank them for choosing your company and back up the fact that you will do anything to keep their business. Reward them for choosing to use your company. Your efforts to keep them from straying will not go unnoticed.

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