Friday, December 08, 2006

The ease of Gift Basket ordering

Are you someone like me who actually hates getting out in the cold, fighting traffic, waiting in long lines, and spending countless hours deciding what to buy for someone? If you are then you understand why giving a gift basket is a fantastic idea. Here at Thinking of You ( we have made it very easy to order custom baskets as well as standard baskets by either calling 317.467.0702 and speaking to a friendly basket designer, or by just using our convenient shopping cart. Some buyers don't like to order by phone because you have to give out your security code.... We, on the other hand, take the order over the phone, send an invoice to your email address, and you pay through our secure server! It's backed by paypal which is one of the most used and secure ways to pay. It is not necessary to have a paypal account to pay either. Just as simple as a few clicks and your gift will be on its way to please. Avoid traffic, time consuming driving, shopping, and lines. Call us to order a basket today and we can easily have it ready to go for your special recipient. Send a thoughtful gift without the extra stress. Afterall isn't the holidays about being together? How can you do that if you are too busy or stressed out to enjoy your time? Let us take care of you.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Health Concious Gift Giving

Being a supplier of gifts we also try to expand our business into offering healthy alternatives instead of chocolates, cookies, and chips. We are currently working on a delicious alternative to our Junk Food Gift Baskets located at We will soon be adding a Health Food Junkie Basket that we are using reduced calorie snacks in the place of the traditional. Included are items such as: Baked chips, Sun Chips, 100 Calorie packs of oreos, chips ahoy, and reeces snack mix, quakers caramel rice cakes, trail mix, and a variety of granola and cereal bars. These items are a great idea for a gift for the new year so no one breaks their dieting new year's resolution! We can asily make a gift like this now eventhough it has not yet been added to our site: Call us today 317.467.0702 for details on this fantastic and unique idea!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Holiday Gifts

Rush, rush, rush..... Everyone is now rushing to get their holiday shopping finished. So many of us do what we say that we will not and procrastinate until December 20th. At that time we go into a state of panic and rush to begin our long list of gifts that are "must-haves" this holiday season. Wouldn't it be fantastic to order a majority of your holiday gifts, have them delivered with a gorgeous hand tied bow, and not have to pay extra wrapping fees, wait in lines, or fight traffic? Then give us a call! You can check out our website at We offer many more choices then what we have on our site because we do custom! At no extra charge to you. Let us take care of all the gifts on your list....especially those "I have no idea what to get them" gifts. Holiday gift baskets make the perfect gift for anyone because they are filled with items that people love! We can add favorite foods, snacks, cheeses, sausages, cookies, candy, and a keepsake! We can add ornaments, candy dishes, picture frames, or any other gift that would suit your recipient's needs.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Unlimited Gift Basket Choices

Here at Thinking of You gift baskets ( we have not limited the different types of gifts that we will make. There is a world of gifts just waiting to be made, and we intend to use our unique ideas and creativity to make each gift special. We have brainstormed and come up with many ideas that we have not yet created. With so many available containers such as: bowls, buckets, purses, storage containers, colanders, duffle bags, pots, coffee makers, crock pots, and many more, we can design fantastic gifts that you won't see on every website. We create all of our gift baskets on site, not one gift basket that we sell comes from another location or a dropshipper, so our customer service is excellent. With the opportunity to specify exactly what you need to the person who is creating your special gift, we can easily satisfy you. Give us a few details and let us create a one of a kind, immaculate gift full of delicious surprises that makes an outstanding impression on your recipient.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Custom Gift Baskets

At Thinking of You,, we make custom gift baskets . Custom gift baskets can be made extremely personal to tell the recipient that you care. Custom gifts are perfect for Thinking of You, Sympathy, Romance, and Birthday Baskets. By choosing an item that conveys a special message, it tells the recipient that you care that much more. Some ideas for customization include using favorite foods and colors of the recipient. If giving a basket to a breast cancer survivor, a pink gift such as a basket with pink ribbons and floral may be a good choice. For a teen who loves music we could design a music gift basket loaded with their favorite treats, CDs, with music industry enhancements. There are absolutely limitless possibilities for custom gift baskets at Thinking of You. We do not have a customization fee. Being new in the gift basket business we have tons of fresh ideas! We take your ideas into consideration also! Custom gifts take only a few extra minutes to order. For the quality and uniqueness, its definitely worth the time.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Kid's Gift Baskets

When starting my business I actually was not sure if kids would even like gift baskets. I felt that a shiny toy may be a better gift in their eyes and was not even worried about ideas for kids baskets. I have, since then, changed my mind because of personal experience. For starters, my son, who is 5 requested a gift basket for his birthday. I made a shiny gift basket with a few balloons, some candy, and various little gifts that he wanted. He absolutely adored it! I had placed a teddy bear in the basket which is now his favorite "friend". Another reason I believe gift baskets are perfect for kids, is that I recently attended a holiday workshop where I displayed a few gift baskets and handed out free food samples. One of the gift baskets that I displayed was a junk food gift basket. You can view it at It is full of all kinds of treats that all children love, and it can be made with sugar free candy and 100 calorie packs for kids when parents are watching sugar intake! I had a very "kid-popular" booth needless to say. I even had an adorable little girl come up to me with a dollar to ask how much the big basket was. Knowing it was out of her price range I just told her that I had free samples of chocolate balls (truffles) and brownies, which made her little face light up the room! I had kids telling their parents how cool it would be if they would buy the Junk Food basket. I donated my Movie Night gift basket as a door prize which was what the lady heading the event said "the prize everyone wanted!" Now I am certain that gift baskets are indeed a spectacular gift option for children. With yummy treats and bright colors.... who can resist!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Spa Gift Baskets

A luxurious spa or bath gift basket makes a fantastic gift for any woman. Surprise her with a basket full of beautiful bath and spa products. Give her a day off. Let her soak in a bathtub full of lovely plumeria scented bubbles or lavender scented salt bath. Light a candle in her favorite scent and let her soak away all her worries with the wonderful gift you gave her. She will enjoy it. Spa gift baskets are the perfect birthday gift, christmas gift, thank you gift, romantic gift, and even an I'm sorry gift when you really need a gift to smooth things over. It's nice to get something other than flowers for a change. Speaking as a woman for women, flowers are a nice gesture, but very easy to come up with a flower gift. Give her something that looks like you put a lot of thought into. Give her a day off with one of our luxurious spa baskets. Tell her you appreciate her for the queen that she is. Take a look at our spa baskets at and if you can't find a basket or gift that suits her needs, we will make one custom, and it will look custom made... just for her. The basket we make her will be special, just like she is. Let us make a gift that reflects the way you feel about her. We know that its difficult sometimes to pick just the right gift, but here at Thinking of You, it is our job as gift professionals to insure that we have created a unique, beautiful, amazing gift that not only pleases its recipient, but also sends the message that you want to send without breaking the bank.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Emotions expressed with gift baskets

Sometimes it is difficult to express your feelings with words. Sure, a card can easily express feelings, but its so overdone, and more often than not, a card is just not enough. There are those times when flowers just seem useless, cards seem like an understatement, and many other gifts are just inappropriate. This is the perfect time to send a gift basket. Gift Baskets are extremely versatile. With the ability to be themed to countless occasions, gift baskets make the perfect choice any time of year, any reason, and every occasion. Not only are gift baskets beautiful and useful for both men and women, but they are also able to be shipped long distances, which is not the case with flowers. Gift Baskets are also an affordable option. Its difficult to find a breathtaking bouquet for less than $50, but we have numerous options of gourmet gift baskets at much less, plus we do custom at no additional charge! How much nicer would it be to send a fantastic gift basket to your family member who just lost a loved one or just had a birthday instead of sending them a floral arrangement or card that they already have received hundreds just like it. Here at Thinking of You ( not only do we have some standard options, but we also offer the ability to customize to make your special recipient feel like you put a great deal of thought into their gift.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Holiday Gift Baskets

Let's face it .. holiday shopping can be a terrible experience. With all the worry of getting something that everyone will like, affordability, and making sure you don't get the same gift they already have can be a challenge. This is why gift baskets are so wonderful. By giving a gift basket for the holidays full of luscious holiday treats, you are sure to please anyone. A small gift basket filled with holiday chocolates, nuts, cookies, sausages, cheese, and crackers, is just the thing for the family who has everything or the person who is the hard one to buy for on your list. With an array of gift basket ideas and options you can get a custom gift basket made specifically for the recipient with no worries as to whether or not they will love it! At Thinking of You we will custom design gifts for each recipient on your list. With no additional charges added, our custom gift baskets are made specifically with your ideas in mind. Give us a few details to go by, a few of the recipients favorite things, and a great gift will soon be on its way to pleasantly surprise the one you care about. Give a holiday gift basket this season. Its a wonderful way to give a thoughtful gift.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Junk food Baskets and Why they are a Fantastic Choice

Personally I feel junk food gift baskets are a better choice for many people than gourmet. Junk Food gift baskets can be designed in a variety of containers with a variety of products. Everyone has a junk food favorite so it is safe. It can easily be designed in a variety of containers and fit a variety of occasions. For example, there are vast amounts of types of "junk food" or snack foods that can be included in gift baskets. Cookies, Candy bars, Crackers, Hard Candy, and Gummy Candy are just a few options to add to a Junk Food Gift Basket. Not to mention all the healthy items that can be included to make a more diet friendly or sugar free basket. There are endless amounts of sugar free cookies and candies, power bars, and granola bars that could easily fit into a junk food basket design. This would be a fantastic choice for diabetics! Everyone loves junk food, so there will be no question of whether or not the recipient will be pleased. Here at Thinking of You we listen to your specifications and can design a fantastic Junk Food Gift Basket full of goodies and even sugar free! Your recipient will be pleased, and you will have sent a thoughtful gift without putting any thought into it.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Personality of Gift Baskets

Yes gift baskets do have personality. Here at Thinking of You, we create gifts with personality and a personal touch. Taking very similar contents, but pairing it with a totally different container and various ribbons, cellophane, and enhancements changes the entire theme of a gift basket. We create fun, young, crazy gift baskets, as well as we design clean, professional, gourmet gifts. Choosing just the right gift to convey the message you need to send is a very important process. Anyone can order a gift basket, but if you take a few minutes to let us know a little bit about the needs of the recipient, favorite colors, and occasion. We will custom design a gift with personality that will make a special gesture. Personality of gift baskets are important to us. Using colors to enhance a gift is one way to give it personality. Different colors have opposite effects. Light blue for instance on a gift would symbolize either a new baby boy, or just add a sentimental message, whereas dark blue, especially paired with yellow and red creates a fun and young party or birthday theme. We take these things into consideration when creating our gifts.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Corporate Gift Giving

Giving gifts is a vital part of any business. Taking the time to give gifts to your customers, employees, and colleagues is a great way to not only show your appreciation, but also create a closer relationship. It is a well known fact that when someone receives a gift they feel obligated to reciprocate in some way. Employees feel more appreciated and in turn they work harder to please you. Colleagues that have connections will feel closer to you and in turn they may be able to help you further your business in some way or another. Clients especially feel very obligated to reciprocate. Clients chose you to do business with and can easily find another company to do business with because everyone is looking for new business. A great way to keep your clients happy is to give them a gift to show them that they matter to you. Thank them for choosing your company and back up the fact that you will do anything to keep their business. Reward them for choosing to use your company. Your efforts to keep them from straying will not go unnoticed.